Comics superstar David Finch takes full creative control (both writing and illustrating!) on this brand-new Batman monthly series! Joined by the best of the best - Scott Williams - on inks, this new series is sure to be on everyone's must-read pile! Delving into the more supernatural and esoteric areas of Gotham City, the 6-part storyline explores the horrific murder of one of Bruce Wayne's childhood friends...and the terrible ramifications the brutal crime has on Batman's life!

S.H.I.E.L.D. #5
"The Forgotten Machines of XXXXXX XXXXX" The story that has taken the comic book world by storm marches on with an issue so secretive that we can't even reveal the full title! WHO IS THE NIGHT MACHINE?! Find your answer here from Jonathan Hickman (FANTASTIC FOUR) and Dustin Weaver (X-MEN). Every issue has sold out and gone into multiple printings. IT'S GOOD! WE PROMISE! Don't miss the sleeper hit of 2010!
Flash #8
The highway to FLASHPOINT begins here as Barry Allen teams up with Wally West, Kid Flash and the rest of the Speed Force to confront the arrival of a bizarre figure that could signal a new age of speedster! Be here for part 1 of "The Mystery of the Unknown Flash"!